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VALID - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.JREVersionDetector.JREConfig
The state for a valid JRE configuration.
ValidationResolverHandler - Class in org.mdiutil.xml
A SAX handler used to validate an XML file.
ValidationResolverHandler() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.ValidationResolverHandler
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mdiutil.jfx.layout.AnchorPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.mdiutil.jfx.layout.AnchorPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SoftHashMap
Return a collection view of the values contained in this map.
Vector2D - Class in org.mdiutil.geom
This class represents a 2D Vector.
Vector2D() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Vector2D
Create a (0, 0) 2D Vector.
Vector2D(double, double) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Vector2D
Create a 2D Vector, knowing its x and y coordinates.
Vector2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Vector2D
Create a 2D Vector, knowing its two associated points.
Vector2D(Vector2D) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Vector2D
Create a 2D Vector, identical to another Vector2D.
version - Variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.JREVersionDetector.JREConfig
The JRE version.
VMARGS - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncher
"VMARGS" : The "VMARGS" configuration property key.
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