- LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- lastChild() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves the TreeWalker to the last visible child of the current node, and returns the new node.
- lastChild() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLTreeWalker
Moves the TreeWalker to the last visible child of the current node, and returns the new node.
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonList
- launch() - Static method in class org.mdiutil.junit.JavaFXUnitApplication
Launch the JavaFX Application.
- LAUNCH_FAILED - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncherResultType
The launch failed.
- LAUNCH_OK - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncherResultType
The launch completed correctly.
- LAUNCHABLE_DONT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncherResultType
The library to launch don't exist.
- LAUNCHABLE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncherResultType
The library to launch is not defined.
- LauncherUtils - Class in org.mdiutil.util
This class has only one static method which allows to return the launch arguments of a
main static method into a Map of <key,value>.
- LayoutUtils - Class in org.mdiutil.swing
This class propose some utilities for Swing layouts.
- LIBPATH - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncher
"LIBPATH" : The "LIBPATH" configuration property key.
- listIterator() - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonList
- listIterator(int) - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonList
- LISTSELECTOR - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.swing.ExtendedCellEditor
The type for list selector editors.
- loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class org.mdiutil.lang.loader.NestedURLClassLoader
- loader - Variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.ResourceLoader
The class loader used to retrieve the resources.
- loadLibraries(List<URL>) - Method in class org.mdiutil.lang.NativeLibraryLoader
This method allows to set the java.library.path
property after the start of the JVM.
- LoadLibraryException - Exception in org.mdiutil.lang
- LoadLibraryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.mdiutil.lang.LoadLibraryException
- LoadLibraryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.mdiutil.lang.LoadLibraryException
- LoadLibraryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.mdiutil.lang.LoadLibraryException
- locale - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLParserConfiguration
The default Locale for warnings and error messages.
- locator - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.ResolverSAXHandler
The Locator used for the handler.
- LONG - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes