- NAME - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- NAMESPACE_AWARE - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilitiesOptions
The option to be aware of the namespace.
- NativeLibraryLoader - Class in org.mdiutil.lang
This class allows to set the java.library.path
property after the start of the JVM.
- NativeLibraryLoader() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.lang.NativeLibraryLoader
- NC_NAME - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- NEGATIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- nestableConnectionsType - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLParserConfiguration
Specifies if nestable connections are allowed (ie, an xml file inside a zip file, for example).
- NestableURLConnection - Class in org.mdiutil.net
An URLConnection that can access URLs in nested archives (for example a resource in a jar nested in another jar).
- NestableURLConnection(URL) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConnection
Constructs a new connection for the URL.
- NestableURLConnection() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConnection
Constructs a new connection.
- NestableURLConnection(URL, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConnection
Constructs a new connection for the URL.
- NestableURLConstructor - Class in org.mdiutil.net
This class is able to construct a nestable URL with arbitrary levels of nested zip elements.
- NestableURLConstructor(URL) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConstructor
- NestableURLConstructor(URL, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConstructor
- NestableURLConstructor(File) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConstructor
- NestableURLConstructor(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.NestableURLConstructor
- NestedURLClassLoader - Class in org.mdiutil.lang.loader
An URLClassLoader which is able to load classes in jars inside a jar.
- NestedURLClassLoader(URL[]) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.lang.loader.NestedURLClassLoader
Constructs a new NestedURLClassLoader for the specified URLs using the default delegation parent ClassLoader.
- NestedURLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.lang.loader.NestedURLClassLoader
Constructs a new NestedURLClassLoader for the specified URLs using a specified parent ClassLoader.
- NetworkPreferences - Class in org.mdiutil.prefs
This class provides a Network aware implementation of the java.util.prefs.Preferences
- NetworkPreferences(File) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
Create a new user Node NetworkPreferences, using a File as root.
- NetworkPreferences(File, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
Create a new NetworkPreferences, using a File as root.
- NetworkPreferences(int, File) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
Create a new NetworkPreferences.
- NetworkPreferences(int, File, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
Create a new NetworkPreferences.
- NetworkPreferences(NetworkPreferences, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
Creates a preference node with the specified parent and the specified name relative to its parent.
- NetworkPreferencesFactory - Class in org.mdiutil.prefs
A factory object that generates network Preferences objects.
- newFactory(String, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.MemoryPreferencesFactory
Create the NetworkPreferencesFactory.
- newFactory(File, File, String, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferencesFactory
Create the factory.
- newInstance(URL[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.net.JarClassLoader
Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified
URLs and parent class loader.
- newInstance(URL[]) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.net.JarClassLoader
Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified
URLs and default parent class loader.
- newInstance() - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Return a new instance.
- newReader() - Method in interface org.mdiutil.io.ReaderProvider
Return a new reader.
- next() - Method in class org.mdiutil.tree.TreeIterator
- next() - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonListIterator
- next() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves the iterator to the next node in document order relative to the current node, and returns this node.
- nextIndex() - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonListIterator
- nextNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.tree.TreeIterator
Retrieve the next node in the tree.
- nextNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves the TreeWalker to the next visible node in document order relative to the current node, and returns the new
- nextNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLTreeWalker
Moves the TreeWalker to the next visible node in document order relative to the current node, and returns the new node.
- nextSibling(TreeNode) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.tree.TreeIterator
Return the next sibling node for a TreeNode.
- nextSibling() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves the TreeWalker to the next sibling of the current node, and returns the new node.
- nextSibling() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLTreeWalker
Moves the TreeWalker to the next sibling of the current node, and returns the new node.
- NMTOKEN - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- NO_ARC - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.geom.CurveConverter
- NO_CLIPPING - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.geom.Graphics2DWrapper
The shapes are not clipped in the transcoding result.
- NO_ERRORS - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.ResolverSAXHandler
The enumeration value for parsings which fire no errors.
- NO_INPUT - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLRootDetector
The type for no input result for the last invocation.
- node(String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.MemoryPreferences
- node(String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
- Node(QName) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.Node
- Node(String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.Node
- Node(QName, String, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.Node
- Node(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.Node
- Node(QName, int) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.Node
- Node(String, int) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.Node
- NodeAnchor - Class in org.mdiutil.jfx.layout
This class provide an anchor mechanism similar to the one which is used in QML.
- NodeAnchor(Node) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.jfx.layout.NodeAnchor
- NodeAnchor(Node, AnchorUtilities) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.jfx.layout.NodeAnchor
- NodeCloner - Class in org.mdiutil.tree
Allows to perform a deep copy of any DefaultMutableTreeNode.
- NodeCloner() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.tree.NodeCloner
- NodeFilter - Class in org.mdiutil.xml.tree
- NodeFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.NodeFilter
- nodeParent - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode
The node parent.
- NodePath() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.NodePath
- NodePath(XMLTreeReplacer.Node...) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.NodePath
- NodePath(List<XMLTreeReplacer.Node>) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeReplacer.NodePath
- nodes - Variable in class org.mdiutil.prefs.MemoryPreferences
- nodes - Variable in class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
- NodeSerializer - Interface in org.mdiutil.xml.tree
The interface for nodes serializers.
- NodeUtilitiesUtils - Class in org.mdiutil.xml.tree
- noLabel - Variable in class org.mdiutil.swing.GenericDialog
The "No" Label.
- NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- normalize() - Method in class org.mdiutil.geom.CurveConverter.AngleSegment
Normalize an angle.
- normalize() - Method in class org.mdiutil.geom.Vector2D
Normalize this vector.
- normalize(URL) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.io.FileUtilities
Normalize an URL by removing "." and ".." in the path part of the URL.
- NORMALIZED_STRING - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- NOT_CACHING_SOURCES - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.InputSourceCaching
Force not caching InputSources.
- npoints - Variable in class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
The total number of points.
- NumberedNode - Interface in org.mdiutil.xml.tree
A node with an associated line number.
- Numeric() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDSimpleType.Numeric
- Numeric(QName) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDSimpleType.Numeric
- Numeric(QName, short) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDSimpleType.Numeric