Package | Description |
org.mdiutil |
The Main classes contained in this package are only useful when trying
to launch the library on the command line, which returns the version
and build date of the library.
| |
This package contains a class that allows to filter buffered stream while reading, and some static FileUtilities.
| |
Contains the ICU4J classes responsible for guessing the character set of a file.
org.mdiutil.lang |
This package contains several useful system classes.
org.mdiutil.lang.loader |
This package contains a ClassLoader which is able to load classes in jars inside a jar.
| |
This package contains two classes which can be used to connect to URLs nested inside a Jar file.
org.mdiutil.prefs |
This package contains an implementation of the java preferences classes,
allowing to use these preferences in a network.
org.mdiutil.text.autocomplete |
This package contains several classes which model an AutoComplete behavior.
org.mdiutil.util |
This package provides additional utility classes that complement the java.util package.
org.mdiutil.util.logging |
This package contains several helper classes for the
java.util.logging package. |
org.mdiutil.util.regex |
This package provides additional utility classes that complement the java.util.regex package.
org.mdiutil.xml |
Utility classes for XML managing.
org.mdiutil.xml.tree |
This package contains a parser allowing to get a tree of Nodes from an XML file.
org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom |
This package allow to create a DOM representation of an XML tree.
Package | Description |
org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher |
This package contains the application launcher classes.
Package | Description |
org.mdiutil.geom |
This package provides several utility geometry classes.
| |
Contains specific swing classes for the io package
org.mdiutil.lang.swing |
Contains specific swing classes for the lang package
org.mdiutil.prefs.swing |
Contains specific swing classes for the prefs package
org.mdiutil.swing |
This package provides several swing utility classes.
org.mdiutil.swing.autocomplete |
This package contains several classes which implements an Autocomplete behavior in Swing.
org.mdiutil.tree |
Utility TreeNode classes.
org.mdiutil.xml.swing |
Contains specific swing classes for the xml package
Package | Description |
org.mdiutil.jfx.autocomplete |
This package contains several classes which implements an Autocomplete behavior in JavaFX.
org.mdiutil.jfx.layout |
These classes provide an anchor mechanism similar to the one which is used in QML.
Package | Description |
org.mdiutil.junit |
A package for managing JUnit Tests.
Package | Description |
org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema |
This package allow to create a Schema from an XSD file.