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BASE64_BINARY - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
BasicSAXHandler - Class in org.mdiutil.xml.swing
A default SAX handler class handles SAX error and resolution events, and is able to show a textArea upon completion if some parsing errors have been detected.
BasicSAXHandler(List<ResolverSAXHandler.ExceptionResult>) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.swing.BasicSAXHandler
Create a new BasicSAXHandler with an existing list of results.
BasicSAXHandler() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.swing.BasicSAXHandler
bindPrefix(String, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode
Bind a prefix to an URI.
BlockingTimerTask - Class in org.mdiutil.util
A blocking TimerTask.
BlockingTimerTask() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.util.BlockingTimerTask
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
BoundPrefix - Class in org.mdiutil.xml.tree
Represents a bound prefix.
BoundPrefix(String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode.BoundPrefix
BoundPrefix(XMLNode.BoundPrefix) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode.BoundPrefix
boundPrefixes - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode
The bounded prefixes.
bounds - Variable in class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
Bounds of the Polygon2D.
boundURIs - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode
The bounded URIs.
BufferedReaderFactory - Class in
A factory which can creates BufferedReaders with input readers.
BufferedReaderFactory() - Constructor for class
BUTTON - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.swing.ExtendedCellEditor
The type for button editors.
buttonsPanel - Variable in class org.mdiutil.swing.JErrorPane
The sub panel that contains the buttons.
BYTE - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
byteToHex(byte) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
A custom decoding function usable for Debugging.
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