- pack - Variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.ResourceLoader
The package path.
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.mdiutil.swing.JMemoryViewer
- parent - Variable in class org.mdiutil.swing.AbstractGenericEditor
The parent component.
- parentNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves to and returns the closest visible ancestor node of the current node.
- parentNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLTreeWalker
Moves to and returns the closest visible ancestor node of the current node.
- parse(File) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Create a document from a File.
- parse(URL) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Create a document from a URL.
- parse(InputStream) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Create a document from an InputStream.
- parse(Reader) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Create a document from a Reader.
- parse(String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Create a document from an XML String content.
- parse(XMLRoot) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.dom.XMLDocumentBuilderFactory
Create a document from an XML tree.
- parse(File) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDParser
- parse(URL) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDParser
- parse(InputStream) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file with an input Stream.
- parse(File) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file.
- parse(File, BufferedReaderFactory) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file.
- parse(ReaderProvider) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file with a ReaderProvider.
- parse(Reader) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file with a Reader.
- parse(URL) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file with an URL.
- parse(URL, BufferedReaderFactory) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
Parse an XML file with an URL.
- parseByte(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse a byte expressed as a byte, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- parseChar(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse a char expressed as a char value, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- parseDouble(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse a double expressed as a double value, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- parseFloat(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse a float expressed as a float value, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- parseInt(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse an int expressed as an int value, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- parseLong(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse a long expressed as a long, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- ParserExceptionListener - Interface in org.mdiutil.xml
A handler which is able to customize how to react to Exceptions or SAX Exceptinos encountedred during the SAX parsing.
- parseShort(String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.lang.HexaDecoder
Parse a short expressed as a short, or as an hexadecimal value, in the format 0x<hexadecimal digits>.
- parseURL(URL, String, int, int) - Method in class org.mdiutil.net.ZipStreamHandler
- ParseUtil - Class in org.mdiutil.net
A class that contains useful routines common for encoding and decoding file names to/from UTF8.
- ParseUtil() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.net.ParseUtil
- path - Variable in class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
- PathFilter - Class in org.mdiutil.util.logging
A Logging filter which can filter depending on the path of the source class for the LogRecord.
- PathFilter() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.util.logging.PathFilter
- PEHeaderDecoder - Class in org.mdiutil.lang
This class reads a Windows Portable Executable File to detect if this File is for a 64 bits or a 32 bits
- PEHeaderDecoder(File) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.lang.PEHeaderDecoder
- performApproveAction() - Method in class org.mdiutil.swing.AbstractGenericEditor
- PLAIN_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.swing.IDialogBuilder
The plain message type.
- Polygon2D - Class in org.mdiutil.geom
This class has the same behavior than java.awt.Polygon, except that
the cordinates are float instead of int.
- Polygon2D() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
Creates an empty Polygon2D.
- Polygon2D(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
Constructs and initializes a Polygon2D
from the specified Rectangle2D.
- Polygon2D(Polygon) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
Constructs and initializes a Polygon2D
from the specified Polygon.
- Polygon2D(float[], float[], int) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
Constructs and initializes a Polygon2D
from the specified parameters.
- Polygon2D(int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polygon2D
Constructs and initializes a Polygon2D
from the specified parameters.
- Polyline2D - Class in org.mdiutil.geom
This class has the same behavior than
, except that the figure is not closed.
- Polyline2D() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polyline2D
- Polyline2D(float[], float[], int) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polyline2D
- Polyline2D(int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polyline2D
- Polyline2D(Line2D) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.geom.Polyline2D
- POPUP_ERRORS - Static variable in class org.mdiutil.lang.applauncher.AppLauncher
Shows a popup error window if the launch can not be performed.
- POSITIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.schema.XSDBaseTypes
- PreferencesHelper - Class in org.mdiutil.prefs
This class helps to put and get values to Preferences for Files, and String arrays,
which are not direcly handled in the core java Preferences class.
- PreferencesHelper() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
- PreferencesUIHelper - Class in org.mdiutil.prefs.swing
This class helps to put and get values to Preferences for Colors, which are not direcly handled in the core java Preferences class.
- PreferencesUIHelper() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.prefs.swing.PreferencesUIHelper
- prefImpl - Variable in class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
- prefix - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNode.BoundPrefix
The prefix.
- PRESERVE_SPACE - Static variable in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilitiesOptions
The option to preserve spaces when creating a tree of nodes.
- preserveSpace(boolean) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLTreeHandler
Set if space characters must be preserved.
- preserveSpaces(boolean) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Set if spaces should be preserved.
- previous() - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonListIterator
- previousIndex() - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SingletonListIterator
Return -1.
- previousNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves the TreeWalker to the previous visible node in document order relative to the current node, and returns the
new node.
- previousNode() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLTreeWalker
Moves the TreeWalker to the previous visible node in document order relative to the current node, and returns the new node.
- previousSibling() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodesIterator
Moves the TreeWalker to the previous sibling of the current node, and returns the new node.
- previousSibling() - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLTreeWalker
Moves the TreeWalker to the previous sibling of the current node, and returns the new node.
- print(XMLNode, int, File) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, File) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer, File) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, File, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, File, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, File, NodeSerializer, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, URL) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in an URL the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, boolean, int, URL) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in an URL the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer, URL) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Save in an URL the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, File) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, File) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer, File) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, File, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, File, boolean, NodeSerializer, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in a File the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, URL) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in an URL the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, URL) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in an URL the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer, URL) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Save in an URL the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- print(XMLNode, int, boolean, NodeSerializer, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.XMLNodeUtilities2
Print as a String the content of an XML file under a root Node.
- printNode(StringBuilder, XMLNode, boolean, BoundPrefix, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.DefaultNodeSerializer
Prints a node.
- printNode(BufferedWriter, XMLNode, boolean, BoundPrefix, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mdiutil.xml.tree.DefaultNodeSerializer
Prints a node.
- printNode(StringBuilder, XMLNode, boolean, BoundPrefix, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.NodeSerializer
Prints a node.
- printNode(BufferedWriter, XMLNode, boolean, BoundPrefix, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mdiutil.xml.tree.NodeSerializer
Prints a node.
- ProcessManager - Class in org.mdiutil.lang
The process manager is able to manage external processes.
- ProcessManager() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.lang.ProcessManager
- ProcessManager.ExternalProcess - Class in org.mdiutil.lang
Represents an external process.
- properties - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
The properties of the parser.
- PropertyEditor - Class in org.mdiutil.swing
User-interface component that presents datas in a two-dimensional table format.
- PropertyEditor() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.swing.PropertyEditor
Create a new editor with default parameters.
- PropertyEditor(String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.swing.PropertyEditor
Create a new editor and associate it with a name.
- PropertyEditor(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.swing.PropertyEditor
Create a new editor and customize the columns names for properties and values.
- PropertyTreeRenderer() - Constructor for class org.mdiutil.swing.JPropertyTreePanel.PropertyTreeRenderer
- props - Variable in class org.mdiutil.swing.JPropertyTreePanel
- publicDTD - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.ResolverSAXHandler
- publicID - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.XMLSAXParser
The public ID used to validate the parsing.
- publicID - Variable in class org.mdiutil.xml.XmlWriter
- publish(LogRecord) - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.logging.HeaderFileHandler
Format and publish a LogRecord.
- publish(LogRecord) - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.logging.SimpleConsoleHandler
Format and publish a LogRecord on the System.out Stream, or System.err, depending on the level of the record.
- put(String, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.MemoryPreferences
- put(String, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
- put(K, V) - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SoftHashMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
- putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.mdiutil.util.SoftHashMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
- putBooleanArray(Preferences, String, boolean[]) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store the associated boolean array under the current Node.
- putColor(Preferences, String, Color) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.swing.PreferencesUIHelper
Associates a string representing the specified Color with the specified key
in this preference node.
- putFile(Preferences, String, File) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Associates a string representing the specified File with the specified key
in this preference node.
- putFileName(Preferences, String, String) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Associates a string representing the specified File name with the specified key
in this preference node.
- putFileRelativeTo(Preferences, String, File, File) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Associates a string representing the specified File with the specified key
in this preference node.
- putFiles(Preferences, String, File[]) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store the associated Files under the current Node.
- putFilesRelativeTo(Preferences, String, File[], File) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store the associated Files under the current Node.
- putMap(Preferences, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store the associated Map under the current Node.
- putMapForClass(Preferences, String, Map<String, C>) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store the associated Map under the current Node.
- putNumbers(Preferences, String, List<Number>) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store a list of numbers under the current Node.
- putNumbers(Preferences, String, Number...) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store a list of numbers under the current Node.
- putObject(Preferences, String, Object) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store a serialized Object the current Node.
- putSpi(String, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.MemoryPreferences
Put the given key-value association into this preference node.
- putSpi(String, String) - Method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.NetworkPreferences
Put the given key-value association into this preference node.
- putStringArray(Preferences, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.mdiutil.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Creates a new preferences node that will store the associated String array under the current Node.