int npoints
represents the number of valid points in this Polygon
.float[] xpoints
is equal to the
number of points in this Polygon2D
.float[] ypoints
is equal to the
number of points in this Polygon2D
.Rectangle2D bounds
GeneralPath path
GeneralPath closedPath
String text
int startOffset
AutoCompleteDictionary.Item item
char type
int returnValue
JDialog dialog
JTextComponent textComp
Dimension dim
AbstractAction yesaction
AbstractAction cancelaction
AbstractAction importAction
boolean allowImport
File dir
ExtensionFileFilter txtfilter
boolean isEditable
String dialogTitle
int type
GenericEditor editor
JDialog dialog
JFrame frame
String yesLabel
String okLabel
String noLabel
boolean resizable
AbstractAction yesAction
AbstractAction cancelAction
int returnValue
Point dialogLocation
String title
JMenuBar menuBar
boolean hasApply
boolean isModal
boolean isAlwaysOnTop
Object object
List<E> listeners
StylableSizableArea area
JColorChooser chooser
List<E> mylisteners
AbstractAction openAction
JButton open
org.mdiutil.swing.ColorIcon icon
String msg
String stacktrace
JComponent detailsArea
JButton showDetailButton
JButton saveButton
JButton okButton
boolean isDetailShown
JPanel subpanel
JPanel buttonsPanel
boolean firstCall
JTextArea details
File selectedFile
File[] files
String title
boolean fileSelectionEnabled
boolean dirSelectionEnabled
FileSelectorRenderer fileRenderer
List<E> mylisteners
AbstractAction openAction
File currentDir
File[] currentFiles
boolean begin
int fileSelectionMode
int dialogType
boolean multiSelectionEnabled
boolean dragEnabled
boolean editable
boolean enabled
List<E> choosableFileFilters
FileFilter filter
TransferHandler handler
JTextField textopen
boolean textOpenChanged
boolean inFileSelection
boolean textMod
JButton open
boolean isDefaultSorted
boolean hasOptionalFiles
boolean unselectFile
String unselectFileText
boolean forceFileExtension
boolean updatedTextContent
JDialog dialog
JListChooser.ListChooserHandler handler
Vector<E> extValues
Vector<E> values
JList<E> list
JComponent editor
JPanel yesnopanel
JPanel listpanel
JPanel centralpanel
JPanel optionspanel
String title
int returnValue
AbstractAction yesaction
AbstractAction cancelaction
AbstractAction removeaction
AbstractAction addaction
AbstractAction changeaction
AbstractAction upaction
AbstractAction downaction
JButton add
JButton remove
JButton change
JButton up
JButton down
List<E> mylisteners
AbstractAction openAction
JTextField textopen
JListChooser chooser
JButton open
Dimension d
int prefWidth
short remainingTypeValue
boolean useColorLimits
float orangeColorLimit
float redColorLimit
Timer timer
long totalMemory
long freeMemory
float percent
String shownValue
Font font
JPanel yesnopanel
List<E> mylisteners
AbstractAction openAction
JTextField textopen
Document doc
JTextComponent textComp
JButton open
Dimension dim
boolean isEditable
boolean allowDirectEdit
boolean isEditing
boolean allowImport
File dir
ExtensionFileFilter txtfilter
String title
File currentDir
AbstractAction openAction
JButton open
JTextField textopen
File[] currentFiles
FileSelectorRenderer fileRenderer
List<E> choosableFileFilters
int fileSelectionMode
JPanel panel
List<E> addButtons
List<E> removeButtons
List<E> selectors
List<E> mylisteners
org.mdiutil.swing.JMultipleFileSelector.SelectorListener slistener
boolean hasOptionalFiles
boolean unselectFiles
String unselectFilesText
boolean forceFileExtension
boolean hasOptionalFiles
boolean unselectFile
String unselectFileText
JTree tree
DefaultTreeModel model
JPanel southPanel
JPropertyTreePanel.PropertyTreeRenderer renderer
JSplitPane split
Map<K,V> props
Vector<E> columnNames
org.mdiutil.swing.PropertyTable table
org.mdiutil.swing.PropertyEditorModel model
Vector<E> components
Dimension PreferredSize
boolean editable
String name
JScrollPane scrollPane
boolean markedToReset
Dimension d
int rows
int columns
HTMLDocument doc
HTMLEditorKit kit
List<E> lines
int maximumLines
String text
int startOffset
AutoCompleteDictionary.Item item
AutoCompleteDictionary.Item item
String searchedText
Object additionalContent
IOException embedded
Exception embedded
QName qname