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The wiki has 50 articles.


AppLauncher : This article is about the AppLauncher class
AppLauncher use cases : This article is about the AppLauncher class use cases


Developing the library : This article explains how to develop the library
Development dependencies : This article is about the libraries dependencies for the development of MDIUtilities
Dialog builder : This article is about the DialogBuilder class
DialogBuilder : This article is about the DialogBuilder class
Distribution : This article is about the distributions of the library


EntityListResolver : This article is about the EntityListResolver class used in XML parsing
Extended Cell Editor : The ExtendedCellEditor class allows to put custom components in JTable cells


FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions
File choosers : This article is about the File choosers in the org.mdiutil.swing package
FileUtilities : This article is about the FileUtilities class


GenericDialog : This article is about the org.mdiutil.swing.GenericDialog class
geom : This article is about the org.mdiutil.geom package


HTMLEscaper : This article is about the HTMLEscaper class
History : This article is about the major changes in the library which could break existing code


io : This article is about the org.mdiutil.io package
io.charset : This article is about the org.mdiutil.io.charset package


JMultilineTextEditor : This article is about the org.mdiutil.swing.JMultilineTextEditor class
JREVersionDetector : This article is about the JREVersionDetector class
jfx.autocomplete : This article is about the org.mdiutil.jfx.autocomplete package
jfx.layout : This article is about the org.mdiutil.jfx.layout package
junit : This article is about the org.mdiutil.junit package


LauncherUtils : This article is about the LauncherUtils class
LayoutUtils : This article is about the org.mdiutil.swing.LayoutUtils class
License : License
lang : This article is about the org.mdiutil.lang package


MacOSXUISetter : This article is about the MacOSXUISetter and SwingMacOSXUISetter classes
Memory viewer : The JMemoryViewer class is a component which shows the memory used by the program compared to the total memory available for the JVM
MessageBundle : This article is about the MessageProvider and MessageBundle classes
MessageProvider : This article is about the MessageProvider and MessageBundle classes


NestedURLClassLoader : This article is about the NestedURLClassLoader class
net : This article is about the org.mdiutil.net package


Property editor : The PropertyEditor class is a component which presents datas in a two-dimensional table format
prefs : This article is about the org.mdiutil.prefs package


ResolverSAXHandler : This article is about the org.mdiutil.xml.ResolverSAXHandler, used with the XMLSAXParser
ResourceLoader : This article is about the ResourceLoader and ResourceUILoader classes
ResourceUILoader : This article is about the ResourceLoader and ResourceUILoader classes


Swing GenericDialog : This article is about the org.mdiutil.swing.GenericDialog class
swing : This article is about the org.mdiutil.swing package
swing Memory viewer : The JMemoryViewer class is a component which shows the memory used by the program compared to the total memory available for the JVM
swing property editor : The PropertyEditor class is a component which presents datas in a two-dimensional table format
swing.autocomplete : This article is about the org.mdiutil.swing.autocomplete package


text.autocomplete : This article is about the org.mdiutil.text.autocomplete package


util : This article is about the org.mdiutil.util package
util.logging : This article is about the org.mdiutil.util.logging package


XML Includer : This article is about the XMLIncluder and XMLNodeIncluder classes
XML parser : This XMLSAXParser class simplifies the creation of a XML SAX parser
XMLIncluder : This article is about the XMLIncluder and XMLNodeIncluder classes
XMLNode : This article is about the XMLNode and XMLRoot classes
XMLNode and XMLRoot : This article is about the XMLNode and XMLRoot classes
XMLNodeIncluder : This article is about the XMLIncluder and XMLNodeIncluder classes
XMLNodeUtilities : This article is about the XMLNodeUtilities class
XMLNodeUtilities2 : This article is about the XMLNodeUtilities2 class
XMLNodesIterator : This article is about the XMLNodesIterator class
XMLRoot : This article is about the XMLNode and XMLRoot classes
XMLRootDetector : This article is about the XMLRootDetector class
XMLSAXParser : This XMLSAXParser class simplifies the creation of a XML SAX parser
xml : This article is about the org.mdiutil.xml package
xml.tree : This article is about the org.mdiutil.xml.tree package

Copyright 2006-2024 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the LGPL v2 and Apache 2.0 licences