, the resulting InputSource
will be reused of possible, regardless of how the associated EntityListResolver.cacheSources(boolean) has been configuredInputSource
, regardless of how the associated EntityListResolver.cacheSources(boolean) has been configuredEntityListResolver resolver = new EntityListResolver(); URL xsd = new URL(<URL of an XSD>); resolver.addResolvedSystemID("http://location/refXSD.xsd", xsd); XMLSAXParser parser = new XMLSAXParser(); parser.setEntityListResolver(resolver);During the parsing of an XML file:
, the resulting InputSource
will be reused of possible, regardless of how the associated EntityListResolver.cacheSources(boolean) has been configuredInputSource
, regardless of how the associated EntityListResolver.cacheSources(boolean) has been configuredCopyright 2006-2024 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the LGPL v2 and Apache 2.0 licences